An approach to determine generation shift keys (GSKs) for defined market areas

An approach to determine generation shift keys (GSKs) for defined market areas

Generation shift keys (GSKs) describe how a change of the net position of a market area affects the power outputs of the generation units within the area. In other words, the GSK describes how the change of the net position is mapped to the different generation units. Transmission system operators (TSOs) use GSKs for various…

Transient stability improvement by re-dispatching of synchronous generators

Transient stability improvement by re-dispatching of synchronous generators

This is a follow-up to my post about Transient Stability Analysis by Evaluation of the Critical Clearing Time with Python in DIgSILENT PowerFactory. While the mentioned post describes the evaluation of transient stability, this post addresses the improvement of transient stability by re-dispatching of synchronous generators. The goal of the re-dispatching is to guarantee a…

Transient stability analysis by evaluation of the critical clearing time with Python in DIgSILENT PowerFactory

Transient stability analysis by evaluation of the critical clearing time with Python in DIgSILENT PowerFactory

Most power system engineers have faced some kind of stability-related questions in their careers. In my case, I have worked quite a bit on transient stability related matters during my PhD (the publications are available on Google Scholar). That is why I decided to write this article about transient stability analysis by evaluation of the…

Analysis of frequency measurements of the Nordic, Continental European, and Japanese-50-Hz power systems

Analysis of frequency measurements of the Nordic, Continental European, and Japanese-50-Hz power systems

When my former colleagues from the Center for Electric Power and Energy (CEE) at DTU published the data of their frequency measurements of the Nordic, Continental European, and Japanese-50-Hz power systems, I thought I need to analyze the data and publish some insights. The frequency measurements are publicly available here (thanks for that): Nordic Power…

Automated bottleneck (critical line) analysis with Python in DIgSILENT PowerFactory

Automated bottleneck (critical line) analysis with Python in DIgSILENT PowerFactory

On the 8th of January 2021, the system separation incident in Continental Europe started with the tripping of a line in Croatia due to overcurrent protection. The subsequent shift of the power flow overloaded the neighboring lines and caused them to trip as well. These cascading events are undoubtedly very critical for power systems. This…