Unit commitment in electric power systems: solving a mixed-integer non-linear optimization problem

Unit commitment in electric power systems: solving a mixed-integer non-linear optimization problem

Unit commitment (UC) in electric power systems is a (hard-to-solve) mixed-integer non-linear optimization problem. UC aims at scheduling the generation units such that they satisfy the demand at every time instant while minimizing the overall cost (or maximizing the welfare). On top of that, a large number of constraints must be respected, e.g. capability limits…

An approach to determine generation shift keys (GSKs) for defined market areas

An approach to determine generation shift keys (GSKs) for defined market areas

Generation shift keys (GSKs) describe how a change of the net position of a market area affects the power outputs of the generation units within the area. In other words, the GSK describes how the change of the net position is mapped to the different generation units. Transmission system operators (TSOs) use GSKs for various…

An energy storage model to analyze the energy arbitrage potential in a day-ahead electricity market

An energy storage model to analyze the energy arbitrage potential in a day-ahead electricity market

In this post, I discuss an energy storage model to analyze the energy arbitrage potential in a day-ahead electricity market. Energy arbitraging takes advantage of the price variations in the market where energy is bought at low prices and sold at high prices, thereby producing a profit. However, the profit depends on several factors, such…

How to query data from the ENTSO-E transparency platform using Python?

How to query data from the ENTSO-E transparency platform using Python?

A step-by-step guide to install the Python API for the ENTSO-E transparency platform and sample code on how to query data. Most of the people working in the energy field know the ENTSO-E (European network of transmission system operators for electricity) transparency platform, which is an open-source collection of electricity generation, transportation, and consumption data…