Run DIgSILENT PowerFactory through the Python API – kickstart your PowerFactory automatization

Run DIgSILENT PowerFactory through the Python API – kickstart your PowerFactory automatization

Most people who work with DIgSILENT PowerFactory know that sometimes it is convenient to automatize certain tasks to avoid tedious manual work. However, automatization is also key if you want to carry out a large number of simulations with varying parameters. Luckily, DIgSILENT PowerFactory comes with an API interface for Python to do precisely that….

How to query data from the ENTSO-E transparency platform using Python?

How to query data from the ENTSO-E transparency platform using Python?

A step-by-step guide to install the Python API for the ENTSO-E transparency platform and sample code on how to query data. Most of the people working in the energy field know the ENTSO-E (European network of transmission system operators for electricity) transparency platform, which is an open-source collection of electricity generation, transportation, and consumption data…

Python Code: Technical cost-benefit analysis of a PV system complemented with energy storage for increased electricity self-sufficiency.

Python Code: Technical cost-benefit analysis of a PV system complemented with energy storage for increased electricity self-sufficiency.

Please consider reading the related analysis “Photovoltaic (PV) and energy storage: a viable symbiosis or an overrated investment?“. Description and step-wise instructions on how to use the Python code The analysis was conducted in Python and the corresponding scripts and data can be downloaded by following the link above. The scripts are flexible so that…

Photovoltaic (PV) and energy storage: a viable symbiosis or an overrated investment?

Photovoltaic (PV) and energy storage: a viable symbiosis or an overrated investment?

The quick answer is – it depends… Technical cost-benefit analysis of a PV system complemented with energy storage for increased electricity self-sufficiency. Questions In order to properly analyze the costs and benefits of complementing a PV system with a storage system to increase self-sufficiency, several questions need to be answered. In the following, these questions…

Peak shaving with energy storage: peak shaving level as a function of the energy storage capacity for a given load profile

Peak shaving with energy storage: peak shaving level as a function of the energy storage capacity for a given load profile

Background Peak shaving has been around for many years and it still has some interesting applications. One obvious application is the reduction of high load peaks of industrial processes in order to reduce the demand charge which is determined by the maximum load that occurred within a given time frame, i.e. the lower the peak…